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Newport, Rhode Island recent comments:

  • Roselawn, Lorrie Schilling wrote 9 years ago:
    Marguerite "Daisy" Pierson Hull was a member of the 400 as was her closest friend Margaret Louise "Daisy" Post Bruguiere of Wakehurst. Mrs. Astor's 400;
  • Ker Avor, Arthur Menaldi (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    The architects were Clinton & Russel. Construction 1930-31
  • Beacon Rock (1887-91), Dorothy (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    So glad it is still there and maintained.
  • Ellen Mason Villa - St Michaels Country Day School (1899-1902), John Crosse (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Was Ellen Mason by any chance related to Rufus and Chatlotte Osgood Mason?
  • Gravelly Point, steve brownell (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I would love to hear the full story also! Maybe the King making an example? Ill do some research and post my findings. do the same!
  • Seaweed (1860-61), Kyle Kresge wrote 9 years ago:
    I used to visit and stay at the seaweed house years ago, when I dated Annie Berl. Her grandmother was a wonderful woman. She had more life at her old age then most people I meet. I now live in Spain. I haven't spoken to Annie in many years. Since I'm living on the cost of Spain, I was talking about the seaweed house and looked it up to show my friends.
  • Chetwode , Desley Sant Parker wrote 9 years ago:
    I grew up in the gardeners cottage. I remember the fire as if it were yesterday.
  • Stoneleigh, Arthur Menaldi (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Stoneleigh couldn't have been built by the Thornes in 1862. According to the 1876 Map of Newport, the house belonged to the estate of Benjamin Dwight Greene, Sr. It did not show up as Thorn property until the Newport Map of 1883.
  • Stonor Lodge (1870-1880), Jules J LaMontagne wrote 9 years ago:
    Construction fire.... temporary power and light ...
  • Stonor Lodge (1870-1880), WG (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Incredible that 100 years late it burnt down again. Anyone know the actual date in 1916? Be weird if it was the same date.
  • Stonor Lodge (1870-1880), Markus (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    An Immense Loss to the Historical Community, family, friends and Newport, Rhode Island
  • Stonor Lodge (1870-1880), Steve (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Destroyed by fire this evening, February 25, 2016
  • The Van Zandt House (1846), Marian Desrosiers (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    The proper spelling of Banister is with one "n," as that is how he and every member of his family spelled it from 1735 when he first moved from Boston to Newport to become a merchant there and up to 1831, when his grandson John Banister III died. A clerk doubled the "n" at some point.
  • Stonor Lodge (1870-1880), Arthur Menaldi (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    According to historic Newport maps, the house and property was first owned by a Charles B. Parkinson prior to 1876, then Walter Langdon Kane prior to 1882, then William E. Glyn prior to 1907.
  • Wildmoor, Fred Mertz (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I believe I have a 1929 newspaper advertisement with photo of that home. It was offered at $28,00!
  • Gravelly Point, tom perrotti (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Has anyone ever written an extensive history of the trial and the hanging ? Wasn't Newport a pirate and party town, which is why the pirates hung out here? They were the bling before the Bellevue Bling. So many names. Who were they and what were their stories. Pirates hanging pirates? The rogue history of the island, and the entire colony, was still blossoming in 1723. The Newport economy was built on privateering one day and pirating the next. What would a comprehensive history of this hanging day reveal?
  • Eagle's Nest (1922-24), Linda Bell Pollard (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
  • Eagle's Nest (1922-24), Linda Bell Pollard (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    My grandfather owned Eagle's Nest in the 50s and 60s. I have many fonds memories of this house.
  • Miramar, TJ Bren wrote 10 years ago:
    Roslyn, I'm researching Miramar. Have you ever heard anyone comment on a skylight over the main staircase? There is some question about if it was ever installed.
  • Miramar, Sharon Blaso Lorincz wrote 10 years ago:
    Hi, Roslyn my name is Sharon Blaso (Lorincz) I graduated from Miramar in 1969. I remember you Amie and Charlotte. My years at Miramar were good ones for me also. I live in Georgia now. Hope you are all well and enjoying life.